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Registered Clinical Psychologist

Specializing in trauma (PTSD) recovery, depression/anxiety in adolescents and adults 
In Brooklyn, Wellington
 Strength-Based Psychological Services

Tania Davidson, Ph.D.

Humanistic/Existential Philosophy

 Dr. Davidson's philosophy in working with clients is based on humanistic psychologists such as Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow. This philosophy acknowledges the basic aspects of humanness such as consciousness, value, creativity, freedom, will, love, and spirit. She works with her clients from a position of a consultant to understand the complexities of the path that her client is walking at this time and to find alternatives leading to healing together. It aims at clarifying and understanding personal worldviews, values and the beliefs of the person.

Cognitive Therapy

Dr. Davidson blends a variety of techniques, all used in the context of her basic philosophical approach. This includes Cognitive Therapy, which is essentially a way to be aware of and question your thoughts and beliefs about things that you experience. Cognitive Therapy is an extremely effective treatment for mood disorders, such as depression and anxiety, and it is a tool that she helps clients to use so that eventually they can do it on their own. Cognitive Therapy has been found to be equally effective for treating depression as medication.

What makes Dr. Davidson's Services Different?

*Availability outside session times by email, phone and secure text

*Trained in modalities typically not found by New Zealand-trained psychologists

* Flexibility of scheduling to meet your needs as best as possible

Welcome our new addition as of June 16, 2020

"Cocoa" the co-therapist in training 

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Psychotherapy, Psychological Testing/ Assessment

35 years providing clinical services to children and families

15 years designing, implementing and evaluating programs

6 years experience with school-based mental health services and programs

Specializations include sexual and other trauma, PTSD, transition adjustment issues, adolescent depression/anxiety, self-injurious behaviors, LGBTQ+ youth and adults.

Trained in parent/child interaction therapy (PCIT)

Whole Person Approach

My approach in psychotherapy is based on the idea that healing results from treating all parts of the person instead of focusing only on their illness or challenges. Holistic treatment encourages integration and balance of the person’s physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, behavioural and relational aspects. Along with traditional psychotherapy, I use tools to identify each person's strengths to promote healing and growth. Clients are encouraged to increase self-awareness, self-responsibility and self-care.

Tania Davidson, PsyD PSY1650 (California)

Tania Davidson, PhD 90-07683 Registered Clinical Psychologist (New Zealand)

"The very winds whispered in soothing accents, and maternal Nature bade me weep no more"

              Mary Shelley

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To Schedule An Appointment

Call 022 534 4533​

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